
Tapasvi Ji has the power to clearly see our inner worlds and identify the painfully limiting emotional, mental and physical dynamics and structures that each of us has created, but which we are either unaware or unable to manage.

Although healing is not counseling, Tapasvi Ji adopts a practical approach to emotional and mental work that is integral to better health. His words slowly help shift a person's thoughts and feelings, while the Mantra Healing shifts energy patterns so that positive results are quickened in a gentle way.

The Program

It is Tapasvi Ji’s dream to train others to become Mantra Spiritual healers. Training usually includes:

  • Techniques for spiritual growth: relating to opening the heart to love, surrender, compassion, contentment, as well as mindfulness, concentration and visualization.
  • Non-religious spiritual counseling: relating to problems affecting spiritual practice, personal relationships and personal growth.
  • Understanding the psychological concerns and knowledge of Modern Western and Eastern metaphysics.

If you have interest in becoming a Mantra Spiritual healer, please download the Standard Enrollment Form.