About Tapasvi Ji

Internationally honored Dr. Janak Shahi, (“Tapasvi Ji”), the Director of the Aum Mantra Spiritual Center is the gifted healer who administers the healing mantras.

Tapasvi Ji’s extensive education includes Doctorates in Philosophy and Holistic Medicine from both India and Italy. He has received numerous prestigious awards including the World Grand Prize in recognition of exemplary humanitarian services at the Millennium World Peace Summit at the United Nations.

Born in Bihar, India, a place associated with such great Holy Masters as Guru Gobind Singh, Mahavira and Buddha, it was during a pilgrimage when Tapasvi Ji was nine years old that a Saint appeared before him giving him the secret power of healing through mantras. The Saint also bestowed upon him the name "Tapasvi," a title that acknowledges respect and holiness as a recognized Divine Spiritual Healer.

In India, Tapasvi Ji’s Spiritual Mantra Healing proved so successful, especially its effectiveness in case of incurable diseases, that the Parliament of India appointed him as the “Mantra Healer for Parliamentarians,” when the efficacy of mantra therapy was debated and widely acclaimed by the Upper House of Parliament.

Afterwards, the Government of the National Capital Territory Delhi established a Mantra Shakti Healing Centre to be run by Tapasvi Ji in Maulana Azad Medical College Complex in New Delhi. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, the world’s first class health care complex in New Delhi, asked him to visit and perform his unique form of mantra therapy for the purpose of research work.